Bee sting. Tornado sirens. Carnival rides. Cold, cloudy, and windy. Fried pork tenderloin sandwich and funnel cake. Little Red Hen. Dodgeball. Animal rescue. Lowe's. Sunny, warm and calm. Tigers. Bird poop. Grilling out.
That pretty much sums up our weekend. Here's the pics to prove it.
Watching the weather Friday night in the basement. Tornado sirens curtailed our Riverfest block party plans... and Zach getting stung by a bee...although this has not been confirmed by anyone over the age of six. The only evidence is a distraught little boy, with something stuck in his finger that may or may not resemble a bee stinger (since I have never seen one). And Adam's story of how "Zach was by the flowers and they were a bunch of bees flying around (which CAN be verified) and Zach stuck his finger out and a bee stung it!" (which is the statement in question).
The threat of severe weather was gone by morning, but man, was it cold! We definitely did not dress for the day. At Riverfest, the boys played in several "moonwalks," and rode one carnival ride with Scott. As everyone probably knows, I don't do rides that spin around. We headed to the food court and stuffed ourselves on really good food (good tasting, but bad for the belly). Scott had a big ol' fried pork tenderloin sandwich and I had an Indian taco. Zach ate pizza and Adam had a hamburger. We all shared a funnel cake. (On a side note, I learned that it is not wise to eat a powdered sugar topped funnel cake on a windy day while wearing a black shirt.) Then we went inside Century II to watch the Wichita Children's Theater "Little Red Hen." It was really more of a way to warm up. Next it was the Dodgeball tournament where I needlessly worried the entire time that Adam was standing too close and would get whacked in the head with an out of control ball. Zach sat on the sidewalk and played in dirt. Today greeted us with a very unusual Kansas day. No wind, sunny and about 70 degrees. Scott said it was a "weird" day...more like a day you'd find in Colorado. We acted out an episode of Animal rescue when a baby bird hopped into our garage and we couldn't get it out. It would chirp really loud, and then you would hear its mom chirping back. At one point, I think I saw the mom fly down across the street. The boys put out bird seed in an effort to coax it out. I'm not sure how the bird finally got out. Then it was off to the Sedgwick County Zoo to see the new Tiger exhibit! We got there just in time too...we waited about 15-20 minutes to see the four cats, and by the time we came out, the entire city of Wichita was in line (well, actually only Wichita residents who are MEMBERS of the zoo, because only members were allowed to see them first).Then it off to see the gorillas and go through the Jungle, where Scott was the bulls-eye for a bird flying overhead. And of course, anything involving bodily functions is HILARIOUS to this crowd. Since the day was so nice, and Scott just bought a new grill at Lowe's on Saturday, we decided to try the new appliance out. And works. Mmmm...dinner!
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