Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow Day Rant

No, this is not about how school districts today close school way more than when I was a kid.

No, this pet peeve is about how people act before an anticipated snow storm. They flock to the grocery store and stock up like they are going to be home bound for a week or two, or a month (or so it seems, by the bare shelves in the grocery stores).

And I'm not talking about the people who are truly out of the necessities. I'm talking about those who look like they are stocking their underground bomb shelter, or for Y2K ...anyone remember that?

Seriously, when was the last time you were stuck, inside your house, and truly could not go anywhere for more than two days?

In 2003, we had just moved to Washington D.C. It snowed 22". The next day we were outside walking around. And the next day, we drove to the grocery store and out to eat.

People stock up on bottled water. Really? You think the water is going to shut off? You really think there will be no water available for you to drink?

Loaves of bread are piled in grocery carts. So, you're thinking that you need 16 loaves of bread to tied you over until you can climb yourself out of the snow that has drifted as high as your house?

Who knows, maybe this "snowstorm of the century" will prove me wrong.

This is a picture of an actual snow day in 1984 (or what first graders call the "olden days").

We would listen intently to the television or radio, praying that our school's name would be called. There was no school phone call, e-mail, text or even a website to check. Nope, just good old fashion "waiting."

As for school districts canceling school for snow, ice or that it's just too cold, yeah, it's annoying sometimes. But they are just trying to do what is best for our children. If school has not been cancelled and you think it is unsafe, keep your kid home from school. If school is cancelled and you are wondering why, just deal with it. Your complaining won't reverse their decision.

I'm done now. Thanks for listening. I guess I'll go wait for the phone to ring..."this is the school district..." Oh, and if you need nourishment, we have enough Cheez its, dry cereal and juice boxes to last a year. Come on over.

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