Sunday, January 23, 2011

Legos: Love'em, Hate 'em.

I know I write a lot about Legos, but between that and soccer, we don't talk about much else (except potty humor, which I will not go into here).

I like Legos. I think they are a great toys for kids that spark creativity, help tune fine motor skills and teach focusability (I just made that word up - it means the ability to focus on one thing for more than 8.3 seconds). More importantly, the boys LOVE Legos.

What I don't like about Legos is that they take over your house.

The kitchen table:

Writing desks:
The basement ledge...
and here:
Window sills:
And let's not forget the room that everyone sees when they walk in the front door...
along with the fireplace located in this same room:
I have also found them in the kitchen sink, my bed, the bathroom, on the stairs, in the laundry room, and in the van.

Is this one of those things that veteran moms will tell me I will miss in a few years?

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