Sunday, March 6, 2011

Celebrating 14 years of marriage with Charlie Sheen and Walmart

Remember when you were first married, and it was a big deal to go out and celebrate your anniversary? You got dressed up, went to a fancy restaurant or maybe even took a trip.

Scott and I celebrated 14 years on March 1. We watched a 20/20 interview with Charlie Sheen, and his train wreck of a life. Actually, before that, Scott took the boys to soccer practice and I folded laundry. Granted, it was a school night, so we couldn't really go out and get crazy.

We did celebrate last night...a Saturday date night. Dinner, movie....and Walmart. Yes, we went to Walmart*. We didn't want to go home before the kids were asleep (parents know what I mean), and we did have some grocery shopping to we spent some quality time at Walmart. On a Saturday night. Celebrating our anniversary.

I should mention that we were yawning at 7:30 pm.

Scott and I have gone out for nice dinners, or a weekend getaway for our anniversary. One time he even surprised me with a drive by of BTK's house. Then we watched a movie WHILE we ate dinner because we only had the babysitter for a limited time. So romantic.

Here we are March of 1998, around our first anniversary.
And here's the latest picture of us, taken a few months ago.
*Disclaimer: some of you may remember when I broke up with Walmart last year. I never said I gave up Walmart for was more of a way to vent my irritation with the big box store. I do still shop there...but I don't enjoy it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ya'll get better looking...and seemingly happier with time! Here's to another 14+ years of wedding bliss!! We miss ya'll terribly!