The First Day of School. I write this with capital letters because it has become quite the event. The day started out quite dark (literally) as clouds and thunderstorms moved in.
The boys waited at the bus stop (about three houses down from ours) with about eight other kids and their parents.
A mere minutes after they were safely on their way to school, it started raining. And not just a sprinkle or steady rain. No, it was a torrential downpour.But like all the other parents (or paparazzi, as Scott said), we braved the rain and wind and drove to school so we could get pictures of the kids getting off the bus, and walk them to class. It was raining and blowing so hard that wind blew my umbrella inside out and my cute sandals were soaked before I even made it across the street.
We waited inside the foyer of the school, along with the other paparazzi. But this group was not waiting for Brangelina, TomKat, Jen or George. We all compared notes..."is this your oldest?" "what teacher do they have?"
Because of the weather, instead of waiting until all the buses had arrived to let the students off all at once, the students would be let off as their buses arrived at the school. The teachers made a tunnel with their umbrella's to help keep the children dry on their way in. The parent at the front called out the bus number, to let the paparazzi know when they should move near the door with their camera.
"What's the number? I can't hear the number!" one frantic photographer shouted from the back.
"It's number 11...wait no, it's 17!"
Finally Adam and Zach's bus arrived. It was one of the last, and although school was supposed to start at 8:48, kids were still streaming into the school at 9am.
We walked Zach to class.
Adam said he didn't need any help finding his class, but I did manage to sneak in a take this picture. Apparently, it was such an exciting day, that Zach had to take a nap in the afternoon. No kidding...he WANTED to lay down. He slept for about 45 minutes.
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