Thursday, February 5, 2009

Both boys had parent teacher conferences today. The update from the teachers were great.

Zach: Ms. Ginger said she enjoys having Zach in class. He listens well and always has a story to tell. He can write all his letters and numbers, tested "task accomplished" on everything and is ready for Kindergarten. She showed us a picture Zach had drawn of himself...and boy, did that person have big muscles! Each child picked their favorite color of construction paper to mount the picture, and Zach picked black, because, of course, that is his favorite color.

An interesting thing she said was that if Zach was playing with a group of children, and they started doing something wrong, he would move away from the group and go play something else. She said that shows that he is using good judgment. That kind of leaves me scratching my head, because we all know he likes to get into mischief, at least at home!

She had them write letters any way they wanted, and here is what Zach did. She made the comment that although he knows how to write his name in a straight line, he always likes to write it in a you can see in on the upper right side, the "c" and "h" are on top of the "z" and "a."Before we went to the conference, I asked Zach what he thought Ms. Ginger would say, and he said "she will say I've never had to sit in time out!" And he was right...Ms. Ginger said she has never had to discipline Zach.

Adam: Mrs. Case said she wished all the children would write as well as Adam. She noticed that he is very particular about his coloring, cutting or writing, in that every color must be in the lines, every word must be exactly right, and every cut must be on the line. (I wonder who he gets THAT from?) She also said she can tell when he is thinking something through, because his forehead wrinkles up.
He always knows the answer in class, but raises his hand and waits patiently to be called on.

Here is a sample of Adam's writing. In this exercise, he was supposed to sound out the words, and then write them they way he thought they should be spelled. The sentence is "My snowman like to play in the snow. And he builds and snow tunnel."

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