We have two soccer games left and both boys have enjoyed the season. Zach has really started to "get" the game and made three goals on Saturday. Adam continues to be confident on the field as well. The next sport we’re trying is T-ball, which starts the week after soccer ends. Tonight we tried out our new bats and baseball mitts!
We are glad that the days are warmer and the kids can play outside without hats, gloves and coats. We’ve had several nice days and it brings all the neighborhood kids out, which is both good and bad. Good in that there is always someone to play with, but when all eight boys (yes, there are eight boys between the ages of three and seven) are playing together, you
have to have a couple of adults around to act as referees. The funniest thing was when they were all trying to play a soccer game. The three oldest boys were bossing the younger ones around, who weren’t really paying attention in the first place. One of the boys had never played soccer before so didn’t know all the rules. One boy kept moving the goal, which made Adam burst into tears. I was trying hard not to laugh because all the kids were just hollering at each other - it was pretty chaotic.

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